This topic includes descriptions for each menu used by Mangia! There are two general kinds of pull-down (as opposed to pop-up) menus: those which are always available and those which are associated with a particular window. The permanent menus are:
• File: As it usually does on the Macintosh, the File menu opens, closes, and creates files, which in the case of Mangia! are recipe files. You also Print from the File menu.
• Edit: This menu has the usual Cut, Copy, Clear, and Paste functions. The Edit menu also lets you set Preferences and open windows for Editing the Dictionary.
• Tools: Amongst other features, the Tools menu allows you to make invisible windows visible and brings visible windows to the front.
• Recipes: The Recipes menu contains commands you can employ on recipes in a list: sort them, open them onto the Recipe Card or add them to the Shopping List or Recipe Clipboard. The Recipes menu is deactivated when there is no recipe list visible.
In addition, the following menus appear and disappear as their associated windows are activated and deactivated.
• Recipe Card: This controls the display of a recipe on the Recipe Card, including layout selection and modification.
• Layout: This menu operates while you are editing a recipe layout. It sets display of the parts of a recipe, text styling, page size, and other characteristics.
• Ingredients: Used for grouping ingredients, marking them as Main Ingredients or optional, etc., while editing a recipe’s Ingredient List or the Pantry.
• Shopping List: The menu contains operations relevant to editing a Shopping List in the Shopping List window before printing. Includes simple functions for updating the Pantry.